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SDK Configuration

The SDK has a some global parameters that you can change to configure the application runtime.

Game scene

Logic Scene -> Controllers -> Game Controllers
These properties control the scene that loads when the application is run on the ARML. There are some other parameters that control the game startup, including:

  • Load on start: Checked by default. Developers may uncheck this to debug the runtime of the SDK without loading a game scene.
  • Fade to Black settings: These change the transition effect for starting the game.

Voice Control settings

Logic Scene -> Lantern -> Lantern Canvas -> STT Mic
These properties activate or deactivate voice control in the application.

Visual style settings

Logic Scene -> Lantern -> Lantern Canvas
The “Vignette” and “Crosshair” objects have properties that allow the user to change the visual styles of the vignette and crosshair graphics used in the ARML projections.